Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More light

I can see more light at the end of the tunnel!

Today we completed re-doing our police clearence thingy. (We didn't ask to have it on letterhead the first time.) And our friends' reference letters have arrived. (THANK YOU Joe&Jamie, Erin, Drew&Erika!)

Now remaining:

Homestudy (This is the part that allows us to get on the waiting list.)
- Waiting for the social worker to complete her report. (I am trying to be patient but it is not my area of strength.)
- Once that is done our agency will send a form to the US government requesting permission for us to immigrate our kids.
- Once that form is approved we go on the waiting list.

Dossier (This is the part that has to be done before we can bring our kids home. So of course I want it done way in advance to make sure we don't run into any problems.)
- Send all of our documents to the secretary of state to get all of the notaries authenticated.
- Then send that all to the Ethiopian government.

Our to-do list is getting shorter!!!

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