Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lord, please take care of my babies today.

Lord, please take care of my babies today.
As I go to sleep they will likely be waking up.
Please protect their little bodies.
Protect their little minds.
Protect their little hearts.
Give them someone to hug them today.
Someone to love them today.
Kind words today.
Watch over them.
I don't know their faces, but you can see them.
I don't know their hearts, but you have know them from their first days.
Please God, protect my babies today.
I don't know if they are okay. I can't see them.
If they are hurt. I can't hear them.
If they are lonely. I can't be with them.
Somehow, someway, please give their little hearts peace.
Peace in knowing, somehow, someway, that we are coming for them.
Knowing they will not be without a mommy and daddy forever.
And when the time is right, please help us to find them.
Please lead us to the children you already know to be ours.
Please prepare us. Prepare our hearts.
Prepare our lives for all the change you have in store for us.
Lord, please take care of my babies today.

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